The Value Builder System™
For your company to be valuable, even sellable one day, there is a lot more to consider than just the bottom line.
How Ready Are You?
75% of owners regret the decision to sell their business one year after they exit. Start your Value Builder System journey with a PREScore (Personal Readiness to Exit Score) to help you evaluate your preparedness to exit your business and ensure you leave your company with no regrets.
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value of your business by up to 71%

About The Value Builder System™
The Value Builder System™ is a scientific methodology proven to increase the value of your business. After analyzing over 55,000 businesses, the average Value Builder Score is 59 out of a possible 100. If we look at the acquisition offers these businesses have received, the average offer is 3.5 times pre-tax profit.
The Value Builder users who have improved their score to 90 or greater – by following the system – are receiving offers of 7.1 times pretax profit on average.

The Value Builder Score is an all-in-one software that is designed to baseline the sellability of your business and help you understand what drives the value of your business.
How Ready Is Your Company?
You can build up to 71% more value for your business.
Contact Us
value of your business by up to 71%

Value Builder Assessment, click the button above or call 810-625-0169.
Work with a Certified Value Builder™ to:
- Get you Value Builder Score
- Complete all 12 modules every year
- Improve your score on the 8 key drivers
- Watch your company's value grow
Helpful Resources
The Value Builder System™ is a scientific methodology proven to increase the value of your business. After analyzing over 55,000 businesses, the average Value Builder Score is 59 out of a possible 100. If we look at the acquisition offers these businesses have received, the average offer is 3.5 times pre-tax profit.
8 Drivers of Company Value
Financial Performance
Growth Potential
Switzerland Structure
Valuation Teeter Totter
Recurring Revenue
Monopoly Control
Customer Satisfaction
Hub & Spoke
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value of your business by up to 71%

Learn More About the
8 Key Drivers
Click and instantly download a one pager on the 8 Key Drivers that impact your company’s value the most.

Will it work for me?
Yes. Regardless of the industry you’re in or the size of your company, going through The Value Builder System™ can create impressive returns for you.
Here’s how we know:
In 2018 we worked with one of our local market partners, a Certified Value Builder™ firm called Business Doctors, who selected a group of 30 business owners to study as they went through The Value Builder System™. These 30 companies were selected from a wide variety of industries and had revenues ranging from approximately $250K – $3.5 million USD.
We analyzed their Value Builder Score when they started the program, at the four-month mark and again at the eight-month mark.
Eliminating your frustrations
Even more interesting, business owners in the study eliminated some of their most acute frustrations by following the 8 Drivers of Company Value.
Switzerland Structure:
Do you feel overly dependent on a single customer, employee or supplier?
Scores improved by an average of 32% on the driver that measures how dependent a business is on any single factor.
Recurring Revenue:
Do you struggle to appropriately plan for the resources you’ll need in the future?
Scores improved by an average of 29% on the driver that measures the proportion and quality of automatic, annuity-based revenue collected each month.
Hub & Spoke:
Is your business too dependent on you?
Scores improved by an average of 22% on the driver that measures how a business would perform if the owner was unexpectedly unable to work for a period of three months.
What’s possible for your company in just a few years?
Contact Us
value of your business by up to 71%